While I gazed, this fissure rapidly widened 
— there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind —
 the entire orb of the satellite burst at once upon my sight —
 my brain reeled as I saw the mighty walls rushing asunder — 
there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters — 
and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly
 and silently over the fragments of the House of Usher.

When asking why there is genocide occurring right before our eyes and no one in the corporate mass media address it, critique it, condemn it, or sadly even, report it, we must altogether wonder of the calibre of the free press. Of the current totalitarian minds caught in the internet milieu, whether or not the presstitutes exactly agree wholly with what is trending today or tomorrow, they are the enemies of free thought; they're the collective soul, as it were, but with very little independent thinking. They are the political orthodoxy of the United States’ Empire, as surely as are all three branches of government, (Executive, House and Senate), where, besides Thomas Massie, Andy Ogles, Chris Van Hollen and Rand Paul, no Senator or House Member dares mention the Israeli genocide that everyone knows is occurring and being financially and militarily supported by America for the whole world to see. Indeed, they are the, “Uni-Party of Orwell’s nightmare”. Whatever is the talking point today, they are there like a herd to repeat their talking points. Or to quote Rand Paul’s father, “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”

For four hundred years, speech and thought were guaranteed free reign; indeed, such liberty might even be considered ancient, but certainly the foundation of Western Civilization and deep-rooted in the Anglospere. However, now, the free press is gone, captured, bought, and bullied out of existence by the many complexes of today’s obese state, billionaire-globalists and geriatric political criminals. The free press and free speech are everywhere under pressure to be controlled, regulated, and even made illegal. Independent journalists are today’s dissidents.

It was empirical facts like that the legacy-corporate-mass media never once in two years, (2020  to 2022), really investigated, in an impartial manner, counter-Covid-claims; most importantly, that they called the Twitter Files, “a nothing burger”; or that they publicly stampeded any challenge on any of their narratives; that they collapsed all forms of nationalism into Nazism-Fascism-Racism without any confirmation except anecdotal folksy Americana; or that hard empirical data like an authentic count of actual polar bears by real scientists infuriated them; that they refuse to adjust or modify their extremists views no matter what evidence was presented; or their insistence that any person who declared their gender to be  different than the one they were assigned at birth were automatically judged to be sane and taken as genuine on faith alone; or that overweight people were to be given equal standing in health status to physically fit people; or the  fact that they actively stifled debate about matters such as President Joe Biden’s mental capacity, the January six reality, the climate crises, gain-of-function research at Wuhan, fentanyl overdoses and growing suicide among youth, and other such controversies.

But it is more than that: The press has been in the pocket of a profound irrationalism for seventy years. The economic, nutritional, health-wellness and psychological ignorance of the mass media, and their cohorts in print, is simply unbelievable, even laughable. It’s their Rousseau's immaculate-conception of humankind, and of the objective truth itself: they are unread, by which I mean, they read only within the cannon of permitted beliefs and never outside of it. The Faithfull’s self censorship is frightening—it is fundamentalism writ large—it is the big lie at the heart of the modern press who are on the payroll of Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Military Industrial Complex, AIPAC and billionaire Globalists. They don’t understand what science actually is in practice and how it is attached directly, even intimately, to free-speech; and if detached, it becomes stalinized and civilization is thus undone.

But it is more than that: it is relentlessly demonizing of their political opponents; their utter lack of respect for Bourgeois Dignity and the many bourgeois virtues, (family, marriage, sacrifice, work ethic, honesty, humour, etcetera); it is their vacuous cancelling of internet voices of both big and small, with the attitude, “fuck them all”; it is the blind detesting of religious people; or the serious lack of caution for the hearts and minds of public school-children.

But it was more than that: they hid the guilty virologists who got paid for, researched and created Covid; they heap adoration over Hollywood actors who portrayed brilliant, moral and authentic heroes in movies, and the press insist that they, the actors themselves, are the brilliant, moral and authentic people whom they depict, despite all the evidence to the contrary; they also spread that damnable lie that an atomic war can’t wipe out humanity; that the invasion into Ukraine was unprovoked or that NATO and the USA do not share any guilt for it and that America doesn't overthrow democratically elected governments.

This is what the press has achieved: before Covid a rational person likely believed that vaccinations were safe; that MLK, JFK and RFK were murdered by lone assassins; that humans walked on the moon; that Saddam Hussein was part of al Qaeda; that your doctor would never lie to you; that the War on Iraq was justified; that sugar was safe; that the War on Terror didn’t create more terrorists; that the NIH, FDA, WHO, CDC and other regulatory agencies had our backs; that science had a consensus about lots of things; that God was dead; that Israel would never commit genocide; that America wasn’t an Empire; that Trump was an actual reincarnation of Adolph Hitler; that Kamala Harris was Black; that Candace Owens was white; that American Blacks were dumb fucks who couldn’t get by without the Democrats and the welfare state; that white supremacists were everywhere; that George Floyd was St. Francis of Assisi; that Joe Biden was as “Sharp as a tack”; that all immigrants were angelic and that all white people were racists. We know now that we can’t trust the press, they are the stenographers of the belligerent meddling class with their rat-like instincts. It is mostly lies, indeed nearly USSR-like TASS-agency propaganda, and in our intuition and common sense, it is currently our obligation to believe nearly the opposite of everything the captured press currently professes or at least to remain very skeptical.

We are witness to such sights as in the Paris Olympics where a tiny Transsexual minority gets to make fun of the largest religion in the world, but if a Christian complains publically about Trans-activism in schools, the snarling state press turns like vipers on any Christian target they can do a hit-piece pogrom on. They are nasty, deceptive and full of hate. Unhappy in their zealotry, we wonder, whence comes their laughable cowardice about pointing out an obvious genocide? Well certainly not from defending political liberty and their 'brave' 'courageous' fight against alleged modern fascism. No, no! It is they who fear liberty. Yes, oh yes, fear it to their very marrow. To the spineless intellectuals who shovel shit about liberty day in and day out, they are into it up to their eyeballs. That they have gotten caught out, doesn’t even shame them, they can’t be disgraced: they eat shit now as a steady unhealthy gruel, but they sacrifice their virtue for a cruel lucrative haul; many of them are millionaires. Might it be time, then, to cull their silliness and irrationalism?

Thx for listening to this article.