From whence shall we expect the approach of danger?
Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow?
All the armies of Europe and Asia could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River
or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.
No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”

People don’t realize that Orwell’s Oceania is already here, (40 years late but it has arrived). Corporate journalists are NOW the enemies of free speech. The folks who brought it to us are devoid of evolutionary finesse, don’t believe we have a fixed human nature set by millions of years, they are economic ignoramuses, environmental alarmists, blind to the stuff that really harm us, think freedom of speech is only for people who agree with them, and believe government creates wealth and unites us all. These are all easily refutable. See, No tracking, no ads, no cookies; complex ideas made simple for working people, or as Matt Taibbi calls us, the beer and shot crowd. The New American Politburo has arrived; we are one crisis away from complete totalitarianism and it might be too late to defeat them without organized resistance. Mass media today are often likened to a flock of birds flitting this way and that in sync at the will of their billionaire globalists-owners working lock-step with the Democrats. The significance of what is happening, and that it came using the language of ‘the loss of democracy’ and the tools of persuasion from the ideological Left, is not yet fully understood. That the corporate world has so easily captured the unanimous obeisance of corporate journalists and the tech giants seems astonishing, yet manufacturing consent was always a hypothesis that the intelligentsia thought in absolute terms only the capitalist Right would ever succeed in doing.

Free Speech is a Fundamental Human Right.

During Covid 19, “The Let’s Pretend it’s a Real Pandemic” event with a global morbidity rate well below one percent, (actually .2 to .3 percent), they (Google, Twitter, Facebook,  Apple, YouTube, etcetera), deplatformed tens of thousands of medical scientists who wouldn’t agree with the corrupt Anthony Fauci, this elitist multi-millionaire demagogue. During Trump’s presidency, they, (the same folks), deplatformed hundreds of thousands of Christian Conservatives, Libertarians and dissenters, with all the mass media lies, (especially the New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and Foxx, to name a few), such as, but not limited to, the Russia Gate Hoax, the Steel Dossier, Hamilton 68, the ridiculous Norse Pipe explosion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop denial, the hilarious accusation that J6 was an actual coup d'état & that Trump was responsible for it, that Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Dignity Revolution was not an American CIA coup d'état under Victoria Nuland’s direction, (starting in 2014 and leading up to the 2022 Russian invasion to start the money laundering scheme for the American Industrial Military Complex which is indeed, the Ukraine War), and that the laughable claim that America is supporting democracy around the world is actually true. It's all too much! Remember, speaking is almost the equivalence to thinking, as Whitehead has shown us; so then, restrictions on speech are constraints on thought. So if this is true, therefore, there can be no excuses whatsoever (i.e., War on Terror, COVID, or Trump), for any restrictions on free speech, with the single codicil that this excludes provoking by speech lawlessness which is likely to incite actions like homicide, genocide or democide. Having said that, my faith in humanity increased during COVID 19 because we all tried together, (read: the whole world), to fix what we thought was a dangerous pandemic, and this is true also of climate change even if it's not as bad as they are claiming. We also came up with a relatively safe vaccine really quick even if the downside is bigger than the medical authorities claim. We are planning to go to Mars and have a shot at much longer lifespans. We have problems we have to fix together, but never by shaming, bullying, deplatforming, calling other scientists, "deniers", or our intellectual competitors, "white supremacists", "Uncle Toms & racists", and definitely not by government censorship. Russiagate is the wild manufacturing of disinformation by the security state apparatuses par excellence.

I would like to give to all the current hysterical Trump-haters out there
a quote from Nietzsche,
"He who fights too long against dragons
becomes a dragon himself."

Peter Singer, Michael Huemer, Yuval Noah Harari and other contemporary intellectuals who compare the interests of mammalian vermin with the human beings they infect, or call us monsters because evolution made us meat eaters, or that we're bad algorithms replaceable by future machines are hard to take seriously. Of course, their likes call us other names as well, such as bourgeois, fringe, peasant, pedestrian, deplorables, laughably stupid and of course, the greatest sin, selfish. They are clearly lost in their solipsist self-righteous values of placing animals and machines on par with primates and humans. Most of their intellectual enemies are at the very least sexual predators, white supremacists, racists or just plain old fashioned truck drivers and Wall Street occupiers. Clearly though, the moral certitude of Left and Right is mistaken as is becoming frighteningly clear.

Someday if states all over the world dwindled to the size of Night-watchmen-governments and had free trade between all their borders; if they all guaranteed human rights and property rights for everyone inside their sovereign nations, the planet could at last live in peace. Not that state capitalists (neo-cons) or state socialists (neoliberals) give a damn about that viable plan, they are globalists. For example, someday the world could become vegan and should with the correct economic innovation in regards to creating protein alternatives for the eight billion people on the planet. But not tomorrow. Millions would starve. Not that for a minute neo-Marxists and ethics philosophers care about the serfs and Kulaks like us, they’ve already proven that in the 30 or so countries they once ruled or are still ruling. They are so smug in their improvable, irrational prejudices against our universally shared dispositions  (i.e., our human nature set by evolution) that it is certainly puzzling why they are lost in their premise that we are so pliable when we are clearly not. They abhor sensual human beings the way we have evolved over the millions of years. These types of declinist-intellectuals advocate that humans are born without innate mental structures; without a strict human nature. They are romancers of the noble savage myth and believers that human beings can be sculpted by the endlessly growing state and its intellectuals into perfect Platonic utilitarian biological robots. There are Jesus nuts on the one side and batty Marxists on the other and nowhere is reason/science often to be found in either group, just sleepy althusserian stranglers choking the life out of the West and so many mass media Western journalists similar to Walter Duranty or Edgar Snow that it is frightening.

And I don’t know what Nathan Robinson is talking about when he says stuff like: “Personally I find use of the word ‘woke’ by critics of the left to be extremely irritating, because the term is so imprecise.” Really? Imprecise is it? No libertarian would ever talk like this: “Stay woke comrade.” The concept's vagueness is on the Left; that's on them 100 percent, they have stalinized anyone who criticises me too Movement, Woke, Critical Race Theory, or Trans radicalization; but in the last, woke is like porn, you may not easily define it, but when you see it you know it. These neurotic mixed-up commentators, journalists and neo-Marxists have no sense of humour either, they can't laugh at their neurosis and that is what makes them so dangerous to say nothing of annoying.  A libertarian would see its immediate imminent danger to freedom of speech. Whether the attack on freedom is from the Right or Left, hardly matters, except that to the Left, they could never be, by fiat-declaration, ethically worse than the Right no matter what the body count is. I want to stress to all the card carrying socialists out there like the Nathan Robinsons of the world who think they are above and beyond—sure you are, on somebody else’s pay—those who blather insincerely about Human-rights and freedom of conscience that free speech isn’t just for honest to goodness truth-sayers like him and the great woke lobby, (this authoritarian cultural fascisti minority); but also, for those who deny the holocaust, believe in Trump's alternative facts, nationalists, communists, religionists, nazis, racists, misogynists and all the merry-go-round killjoys on this crazy planet of ours who the political-class all love to detest. If you shut these people up, cancel them or kill them, how are you different then from Fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks or Communists? Individuals with fixed opinions who no more would undergo a paradigm shift or mind-shift than a Marxist would become a Classical Liberal, and who are loath to listen to any other POVs, but indeed, who are keen to smear, distort and even lie about their intellectual adversary’s positions, are not proponents of freedom but their utter enemies. “The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted. . . . .The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away.”  Socialists all believe in a state planned earthly paradise; don’t doubt it. It runs like muddy water through communism, Marxism, Rousseau, the English Levellers, Orwell, Christian political reformers, liberalism, some conservative thinkers such as Maritain, and a huge amount of plain dim working people who think you can have something for nothing; you can’t and paradise is verboten. Humankind is flawed by its many millions of years of harsh biological evolution. Human Nature has conditional goodness provided that it can be elucidated in freedom, liberty, gentle religions and systems without the use of fraud or force; however, any large growth of government introduces Machiavellian ethics and starts an untold attraction of the most flawed people amoung us into the stations of power in state administration. If that is not obvious to the reader currently as 2025 approches, I would be very surprised.

NSA, FBI, CIA’s false claims about Saddam Hussein’s regime regarding harvesting WMDs played out in the mass media when they all published unchallenged claims from the American security state and went to war. (They knowingly lied about that war!) They did it again during Covid and over the alleged Russia conspiracy to eat up and spit out precious liberal Democrats at a rate too fast for anyone to actually see, as this laughable apologetics shows you. But remember, they did it for the Vietnam War as well; the state and its agencies have been lying for an extremely long time as any Watergate or Iran/Contra article will show you: (i.e., endless war). The job of real independent journalists is to expose the lies of power, not to cover them up, never to make a fact-free analysis, certainly it should be forbidden to accept lies too good to check, by no means to help suppress any current modern-myths, or to ever, ever, conceal the untruths no matter what the outcome: facts are facts, and truth can only ever be ascertained with their assistance. Mass media journalists, by-proxy, now work for the state, and far from exposing the state-capitalist's and government's lies, help hide or even craft them. Plus, and I know this is really mean to say and not entirely true; however,  the intelligentsia have likely never worked for a living and not liked it if they did, (subsidized social science university work and mass media jobs don’t count, that’s not working that is almost always propagandizing against individualism full-time). They have no middleclass working values, spurn capitalism, disdain reality, reason, and especially, selfishness, but of course not their own egocentricity: their self-interest they understand perfectly fine just like state-licensed teachers and doctors appreciate their cozy relation to their legislative protectors, and especially their power within the political class of which they are powerless without. They ask of you and your kids to please be disposable for humankind’s utopian experiments; they are economic simpletons and Leftist-fundamentalists: facts are totally optional to them. This is their chant about the marginalized people they scorn, try to muzzle, and injure in any way they can, (including lying about and exaggerating their enemies’ faults): “Let them eat Disinformation provide by state financed NGOs, an oxymoron if there was ever one."

"Telling the truth during the time of universal deceit,
Is a revolutionary act."

What a farce modern philosophy is to tolerate these subsidized intellectuals who justify human submission to reach the questionable dystopian ends which they desire for humankind and who believe they are smarter, brighter, more knowledgeable than the working folks on the ground and are full of self-flattering pretensions (i.e., they are actually quite out of touch with reality). Those who believe, with absolute certainty and with entirely no proof, (and also no skin in the game) that human beings are infinitely malleable and have no specific restrictions and are basically puddy in the hands of their rulers. Their unstated motto is: “Don’t question the broad egalitarian neoliberal agenda which evinces equity of outcomes even at the price of your diminitive, unimportant life” or the elitist neo-con traditionalists who would gouge out your eyes if you proved a single bit of evidence against the criminal American security state. Their talking point: “Anyone can see that the Deep State thing is a wild exaggeration and a most improbable conspiracy”.

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge,
In the field of truth and knowledge,
Is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”

Their hidden evil desire: eliminating the allegorical Cossacks (“They are a nuisance who stand in the way of my agricultural plan.”). The unwashed & unschooled, anti-Woke, pro-capitalists libertarians like me and all who create "disinformation" against the almighty security god are destroying the planet even as I write this feeble notice. I don't even have a church door to nail it to. But of what god do you speak? Well, not Zarathustra but rather the hegemony of power in the world today: The American Industrialized Military Complex’s Revolution 2 Eradicate Everyone’s Progress, (i.e., the war pigs). Those who stand in the way, (the extremely tiny biological entities, almost too little to see and made of forgettable atoms), of an ideal despotic everything, (the scientific socialist string-theory of Hegelian-advancement), are our new over-watchers. Our purging would not be the worst thing that could happen, (not even a crime really, just a statistic, think almost microscopic and exceptionally insignificant); the gate keepers secret unspoken refrain is: "At all events, I hope the bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles until their dying day. What swine they are!"

These are the most important takeaways to these decadent intellectuals like Sam Harris and Jeff Goldberg who are beholding to the mass media security-state and manufacture consent by a complete lack of reason, science or facts and have an outward abhorrence for messy democracy: 1) free speech is just for them, not their intellectual enemies and free will is an illusion, 2) Any person or groups who disagree with them are spreading disinformation, 3) these people or groups who do not agree with the warmongering neo-cons and neoliberals are fringe, deplorables, irrational-capitalists, toxic-males, religious-reactionaries, Joe Rogan extremists, Lex Fridman outsiders, Jordan Peterson fanatics, and certainly not a comrade, Praise Marx and Peace Be Upon Him, woops, getting my messiahs mixed up. 4) They know, intuitively, with certainty, and (be quiet you asshole), absolutely, that the national security state of America would never overthrow American democracy (transparency is overrated and the FBI would never censor Conservatives as the Twitter Files expose their flagrant misconduct); let’s persecute the independent journalist Julian Assange and encourage the establishment-journalists (Democrats) to be the lead cheerleaders of his imprisonment, threaten the Libertarian Edward Snowden and lie about free-speech absolutist Elon Musk, shut-down Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Lee Fang, Michael Shellenberger, Darren Beattie, Chris Hedges, Briahna Joy Gray, Leighton Woodhouse, Max Blumenthal, Catherine Herridge, David Zweig, Paul D Thacker, and other journalists who defend them, 5) Will no security agency ever shut-up (the free-speech extremist), Noam Chomsky? 6) How can we get ice-cream, pizza, gummy-bears and cheeseburgers onto the food-pyramid? 7) Can’t we get Facebook, Google and YouTube to be taken over directly  by the FBI, NSA or CIA before the Nazi Trump insurrection happens again, [whoops, they've already done it!]: (Newsflash: January 6 2021: "Did you see that on CNN? They’ve taken over the capital and brutally  murdered four police officers?” I am afraid by this point that I am thinking maybe in 2024 that they are not the ones who have actually taken it over and no police officers were murdered by (alleged) insurrectionists on January 6 2021, that was made up out of the minds of deception of the auxiliary news-agents of the security state working for CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and others. 8) Aren’t most conservative Christians like Matt Gaetz pedophiles and sex traffickers? 9) The appalling and irritating skeptics do not deserve due process of law and why should they? They’re haters who didn’t even voluntarily wear masks or get vaccinated during the time of Covid, have no lgbtq2s+ besties, [LGBTQQIP2SAA: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, asexual, and ally], did not march with the BLM protesters [rioters and looters], and finally, 10) criticising mass-media stars, privileged bullies such as Taylor Lorenz, and propagandists like Christiane Amanpour, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Oliver Darcy, Danna Bash, Wolf Blitzer, Joe Scarborough and too many others to include here, is verboten. It is hard to think of a news story these clowns haven’t lied about with their phoney “fact-checks” and their now vast disinformation complexes subsidised by the sprawling Military Industrial Complex. Literally, they think they are the only people not in the pay of omnipotent Russia. They host endless half-truths fed to them from the lying spook agencies for the moneyed class. They’ve abused and slandered every independent journalist in the Western world. Any decent person is repulsed by them. In their comical Machiavellian hearts they are a collective of blind army ants charging down on free speech, mindless of the dire consequences to our civilization. They often pay tribute to neo-Marxists, who take moral cues from Karl Marx. He showed us the way on how to perfect human beings—i.e., a hint if you will, “Let’s kill them all and start over again!” Here's a quote from the very first Marxist:  “The ruler must wipe the slate clean: the philosopher king must perforce expel from society all over age ten so that he may begin with fresh young minds.”

"The election of Donald Trump triggered a moral panic about foreign meddling and supplied America’s security state with a convenient and familiar national enemy to replace the evildoers of the so-called “war on terror.” Trump’s anti-interventionist posturing on the campaign trail, his lambasting of Bush’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, his stated refusal to arm Syrian “moderate rebels,” his suspicion of NATO, his apparent interest in détente with Russia, and the promise of a buffoonish reality show star as the captain of America’s empire—all of this, no matter how disingenuous Trump’s anti-interventionist appeals might have been—had engendered a wild hysteria among foreign policy elites. Joining with the dead-enders of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, who were desperate to deflect from their crushing loss, the mandarins of the national security state worked their media contacts to generate the narrative of Trump-Russia collusion. Out of the postelection despair of liberals and national security elites, the furor of Russiagate was born." The Management of Savagery.

The growing Censorship-Industrial Complexes and their liberal funded NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), such as Morality Project, Media Matters, CTI League (Global Volunteer Cyber threat Community-CERT), Election Integrity Partnership and other alleged disinformation orgs attached to the Democratic Party is just plain institutional folly with high-tech tools in action. With the assistance of HLS, CIA and CICS (Certified Information Systems Auditor), these fools are using military digital tools to determine what’s right and wrong and directly affecting the ongoing online ‘talk’ between regular citizens. They (and everyone) has no way to determine the truth, (never ever has and never ever will). These oligarchic conformists are deciding who they should shut up, destroy or de-finance with dirty-tricks, false flags, outright censorship and poisonous lies, all poised directly at constitutionally-protected speech in the West. It’s scary stuff, all the more so, because these partisan simpletons in their political orthodoxies are so certain of their goodness that they already have a totalitarian mindset; and their stupidity makes them creepy and dangerous. They are a far greater threat to democracy than any Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban or Milei. The Right rises now because of the transition of Liberalism to an anti-democratic neo-Marxist cult of the Left.

"He shook with hate for things he’d never seen,
Pined for a love abstracted from its object,
And was oppressed as he had never been.
Auden, Sonnets from China, III

Surveillance capitalism departs from the history of market capitalism in three startling ways. First, it insists on the privilege of unfettered freedom and knowledge. Second, it abandons long-standing organic reciprocities with people. Third, the spectre of life in the hive betrays a collectivist societal vision sustained by radical indifference and its material expression in Big Other."  The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (2018). This then is the capital offence, (the main sin as it were): Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook , Google and others could have, (like Rumble and Substack are doing), fought back the state for the privacy of their users, (their valued customers). They instead, without a single court battle, completely surrendered their users' privacy to the government, and as Edward Snowden showed, did it illegally with later retroactive immunity from our exceedingly comprimised Western governments. This is why they should now all be ripped apart with anti-trust laws, (except maybe the reformed X).

In the end, this is what uninformed conformist thinkers, (impervious to evidence), who watch too much Mass Media TV news believe: that there was an actual pandemic, that Covid 19 was started in China in the wet market, that the global morbidity rate was 3 to 4 percent, that the ‘Climate Crisis’ is real, that masks keep you safe, ("masks are just Maga hats for liberals"), that the DNC email leaks in 2016 were from Russia & not by an insider disgruntled by the Hilary Clinton crowd cheating to defeat Bernie Sanders, that George Floyd was actually murdered, that there is no down-side to vaccinations, that there are Russian bots affecting the election cycle in America, that Trump is a Nazi, that the Hunter Biden laptop is a conspiracy, that the Russians blew up their own (Norse) pipeline, that the Steel Dossier was true, that J6 was a real (violent) insurrection where four police officers were murdered, (none were murdered), that the whole Russia-gate Hoax is a conspiracy of the Alt-right, that the CIA doesn’t overthrow democratically elected governments, (well over a hundred and counting, i.e., Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan in early 2024), that Bush’s War on Terror keeps us safe, that there is no Deep State, (the unelected and dense cavity of the state that extends from the Pentagon to the intelligence agencies), that the Russian invasian of Ukraine was unprovoked, that the Ukrainians are winning the war (half a million Ukrainians dead as of the end 2024), that Israel isn’t committing mass-genocide right before our 'eyes-wide-shut', (moreover, 40,000 official Palestinian deaths have occured as of the end of 2024, (unofficially this figure is over 200,000, because most of the fatalities are buried in the rumble which is Gaza today), 50 percent of these are children, being that this amount of Palestinians in Gaza are under 19 years of age, i.e., this demicide is actually against innocents so they are committing the crime that was committed against them under actual Nazis and has been allowed because the Zionist lobby, i.e., AIPAC, owns the US government, that the Israelis aren't arresting American journalists like Jeremy Loffrado, that the Democrats haven’t weaponized the DOJ,  that Trump's convictions in Democrat controlled Manhattan are anything but a Putin-like autocratic misuse of the judiciary to shackle your main political opponent, that Trump faked his first assassination attempt, and that the second attempt is only an 'apparent' one, that Trump brings this on himself and that it has definitely nothing to do with the hate from the American Politburo, i.e., calling Trump's campaign, 'The End of Democracy' , that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a one-off, that Obama lied about NOT doing regime change in Libya which completely destabilized the region and gave birth to ISIS,  that Joe Biden isn't senile and wasn't forced out of running in the 2024 election, that Saddam Hussein was al-Quaeda and possessed WMDs, that there couldn't be a World War Three by poking a bear with the world's largest nuclear arsenal, that the new totalitarians are not openly destroying the First Amendment (and free speech, in general, in the West), and lastly, that Glenn Greenwald isn't a journalist at all but a alt-right, anti-Semitic, racist, Putin-supporter, who should be in prison without trial like Julian Assange was, who is also not a real journalist and shouldn't have been freed, or at least he should remain stranded in Mordor with the whistle-blower, Edward Snowden.  All completely beyond belief unless you've swallowed the blue pill and don't even want to hear about a red pill. They are happy sheep in their sleep, so shut up and wear the mask.