The fact that in 2025 we have less than 25 doctors per 10 thousand people in Canada (242 per 100 thousand) – one of the lowest in the whole world – and that you must wait in the doctor’s office, walk-in clinic or hospital for hours isn’t an accident. Free medicine in Canada is an illusion. The demand of a free product restricts the supply; medicine is rationed in Canada like bread was in Bolshevik Russia. You could sometimes get it there, but you always had to wait in line, often, for the whole day, as they defied the natural economy, and practiced the socialist's trader's law of perpetual scarcity.
These are some of my subjective experiences with the system. Two decades ago, I came down with a severe body rash. I went to my doctor, who (after waiting two hours to see him) sent me to a dermatologist some miles away. I booked an appointment for the next day. I waited two hours to see the specialist. My condition was diagnosed as scabies, a rash sometimes caused by mites. In treating me with a mathathion solution, he effectively condemned me to weeks of suffering. I ended up at the emergency room at around midnight 48 hours later. My skin was radiant red. You’d be surprised how incredibly unconcerned the staff of the hospital were about it.
Anybody Who’s Spent Time in a Canadian Hospital
Knows How to Define Callous
After five hours in the waiting room – at approximately 5 a.m. – I stopped and asked a doctor who happened by if anyone would be seeing me that night. The anger leapt to his face, and in a moment of frank honesty, he said, “Not a chance. You have to wait for the day shift,” and rushed away. I went home. The next day after being up the entire night, I was heartbroken to learn my doctor, the day before, had left for his two month long summer holiday. I visited his partner and anxiously waited a couple hours to see him. His waiting room was in the middle of a pharmacy. This way people could admire my red glow–they also gave me a wide berth. I told him my story. “It’s eczema,” he said, interrupting me. Then it came to me. I had contracted eczema when I was an eight or nine year old boy. “Why didn’t my regular doctor see it?” He could only apologize for his partner and the specialist he had sent me to. He prescribed creme with steroids and the eczema retreated in the following weeks.
Even the Simplest Conditions Stump Them.
One day, some years later, I fell and split the skin on my right shin, a cut about three inches in length, but not too deep. However, the bleeding wouldn’t stop, so the next morning, I went to a walk-in clinic. I asked the receptionist before getting in queue, if the doctor would be able to give me stitches. “Of course.” I had my toddler son with me. Two hours later, when he examined the wound, he told me he couldn’t do it and that I’d have to go to the hospital. I went to the nearest one. After an hour in triage, I was put in queue. Five hours later, I was finally able to see a doctor. She put a bandage on my wound. I complained that I had waited all this time for stitches to prevent any scarring. She looked me in the eyes with hostility and explained that I didn’t need stitches, that if I wanted them, I could go back to triage, get back in queue and wait for another doctor.
I Thought of Asking for the Manager
But That’s Ridiculous.
No managers exist. No customers exist. Only the “Best Medical System in the World!” I looked at my three year old son, who had been so good for six hours, and realized I could live with a scar, even an unnecessary one. We left. (By 2015, the scar had disappeared.) A year later, after a spring cold, I developed bronchitis (some of this is on me for I occasionally smoked). I lived with it for some weeks, taking long walks in the sun and coughing to clear my lungs, not knowing my ailment. It wouldn’t pass. I made an appointment to see my doctor (a different one than before) and after waiting two hours to see him, he mis-diagnosed my complaint. He slapped me on the back and told me it was congestion and would pass. He prescribed some decongestant. Thirty six hours later, I found myself at an after-hours clinic. After a three hour wait, the doctor examined me and told me I had bronchitis and then prescribed Amoxicillin. It didn’t work and I was sick with bronchitis another ten days. Finally a friend’s doctor agreed to examine me. After a two hour wait to see him, he wrote a prescription for Avelox. Within 48 hours, I was feeling my old self.
That was in 2007; in 2010, I again developed bronchitis. As soon as I felt its onset, I went to a walk-in clinic. I waited over four hours to see the doctor. I brought the empty prescription bottle for Avelox, described my condition and told her I was coming down with bronchitis which I had had before. She insisted I didn’t have bronchitis but that I might be having a heart attack. I was dumbfounded but I remained unintimidated. I begged her to give me the prescription I needed to cure bronchitis. She declined. I offered her $200. She told me it wasn’t about the money. “I wasted four hours,” I complained.
“What about my time?” she replied, as though she wasn’t getting paid. I explained it might take up to 8 hours to see a doctor in a hospital. She said, “Take along a good book.”
“Have you ever heard of the Hippocratic oath?” I returned. She walked out of the room.
If You Offer Opinions on Your Oen Condition
You’ve Got a Lot of Nerve
I couldn’t sleep that night and only passed out at 4 a.m. exhausted from coughing. At 2 p.m., when I crawled out of bed, I began phoning clinics, asking how their line-ups were. Five calls later, I found one which stated, “We’re not too bad.” I rushed over, breaking every speeding law in the city. I had taken money with me in case I had to bribe the doctor. I told him about my unrelenting cough and that I was certain I had bronchitis. He remarked that my lungs were free of congestion and I wasn’t coughing. I returned that I had been up all night coughing. He looked doubtful. He would, he announced, prescribe a puffer. I told him it wouldn’t work, that I knew what I had and what I needed for a cure. I begged him to take my money and he smiled and said, “It’s your life. If you want Avelox, then so be it. Keep your money.”
He wrote me a prescription for Avelox. By midnight, my cough had cleared. Within 48 hours I was my old self. Not that the doctor who refused to give me Avelox gave a damn whether I lived or died, but she isn’t an exception to the rule in Canada: she is the rule. I remember offering to race her to the pharmacy down the street to prove I wasn’t having a heart attack. If I won she would write a prescription and if she beat me in the race, I’d go to the hospital. She didn’t even crack a smile. I don’t have to race you, she had said. Even though she was some 25 years younger than me, she had metabolic syndrome and probably had 30 pounds of body fat on her. I could have easily trounced her in a race even though she was around 35 years old and I was around 60. In December of 2013, (just before I quit smoking altogether), I went to see a doctor in Downsveiw on Wilson Avenue. He was my family doctor until Covid arrived. I told him I had bronchitis. He insisted that I didn't. He wanted to prescribe cough syrup for my cough. I became defensive and insisted that he prescribe Avelox, a drug that had worked in the past. I knew what I had. He rose in great anger, totally humiliating me with his gestures and tone. Saying that my body-language and my demeanor was disrespectful and that I had interrupted him. He left the room, told me to quit smoking and slammed the door. In fairness to him, he said, 'It was my life', and indeed, he did in the end prescribed Avelox. (I quit smoking that very day and haven't had a cigarette since). But that's not the point . . . there are no customers left. Doctors don't want your damn opinion. Can't you shut up and let them experiment on you?
Racing with Patients is Not in Their Job Description.
They have power. Show some respect. They are attached at the hip to the state. They have a legal monopoly over their own profession which they exercise in tandem with the government through medical licensing. To practice medicine without one is a felony. They set prices by limiting their numbers. They confine their numbers by increasing the standards for every specialty. Every year of study added to a category raises the cost of education and decreases the numbers in that field. Medical doctors belong to the strongest union in the world, but notice they don’t use that word – it’s tainted. They’re a professional “Association”. They loved drugs and surgery. They hate supplements, chiropractors and everything not pharmaceutical. I want to explain about their association. They are not there for your health. It’s not a calling. It’s a monopoly powered by the government. They are set apart from their patients. They can make you wait for hours. And listen, you ignorant S O B of a patient, if you were having a heart attack, they would know. They resent patients who diagnose themselves or even get second opinions. Most of the doctors in Canada are esteemed with a social position that they don’t deserve. They are state certified laborers who hate their jobs and want to halt their exploitation by their patients. If only they could collect their government checks without having to see all those sick people.
They Don’t Need You!
Every Waking Moment,
They Have Waiting Rooms Filled to Capacity.
They’re an exceedingly strong union and their world is a chaotic spectacle of demanding patients who don’t have to pay. Why go the extra distance? They do not think of us as consumers who are paying the bills. They stopped being a profession many decades ago. They are slaves to a broken system and they think of us as the abusers of this arrangement which doles out what appears to be a free service. But they love you too, and you are their only concern; however, get in line and shut the hell up. They’re busy. And please, don’t be absurd. If they needed your advice or opinion, you would have certainly have heard. Most of them are as oblivious to the rationing of medicine as the Bolsheviks were to the quota on bread! There are no clients, only casualties, I mean, nasty patients. If they don’t like you, they’ll send you to a Canadian Hospital to be tortured. Health care here is a complete fiasco and hospitals in Canada are a hopeless cause. Without the medical monopoly granted by the state, there would be no hospitals with their unionized janitors, technicians, receptionists, nurses and doctors. And I mean, not a single one in the whole world not just in Canada. There wouldn’t be armies of hospital staff taking the lion’s share of the public medical coffers. There wouldn’t be these huge dinosaur monstrosities charging you thousands of dollars a day. It wouldn’t exist. You see a hospital bill these days and realize that it would bankrupt any regular family. You say, “Thank God we have free health care.”
It is all a Fraud. But What Can Be Done About It?
Doctors licensed by private organizations and not the government, would band together and run cooperatives, (sure, let’s call them hospitals). They would be low cost privately run businesses, and there would be plenty of them in competition with one another. If the state de-licensed medicine today, hospitals as we know them would be extinct titanosaurs tomorrow. Doctors would have customers again who they would actually have to serve to make a living. There was a time in Canada when doctors came to your home if you were sick. This would happen again. Instead of sick people clustering together in a waiting room, the doctors would go to the sick.
No Country Can Afford to Do That.
Don’t use that old platitude about America and the free-market gouging the patient when comparing Canada’s health care to America’s. That doesn’t work anymore. The American Medical Association makes the medical health care system in Canada look like utopia. Of course the AMA is only concerned about peoples’ needs, just like the medical associations in Canada. Doctors everywhere are full of love for humanity. But in America, the A.M.A.’s legal monopoly is not just a lobby, it’s a party platform. It is also an anti-commercial for greed and a vision for cutting-edge technology doled out by the state. However, mostly, it’s a confidence scheme. Without licensing, doctors are not attached to the state. They cannot control the number of doctors coming into the market. They lose their political power but regain their profession and their self-respect
Doctors Do it All for You: They’re Selfless.
Whatever you do, envision for a moment that if the centuries old mercantilism of medicine and law should end, how refreshing a wind would blow through our collective well-being. If we had the courage to do it, it would be a dream come true. It would of course take a while to work out the wrinkles and allow supply to catch up with demand, but unlike what the doctors predict, we wouldn’t die in the streets attended by charlatans. They have become the charlatans. Maybe we’d have a system where doctors actually practiced medicine as a dedicated profession should. Stop state monopolies from being given out to the professions. It’s unfair, inefficient and costly. The state of medicine in America is directly related to its strongest union, the A.M.A. This isn’t a call for deregulation, this is a demand for a revolution, for justice. The state must stop granting legal monopoly to doctors and other professionals throughout the whole world. Medicine and health cannot be dished out by the state. The state can barely enforce law and order, the one monopoly which they may actually be morally entitled to have.
Socializing medicine in America, Canadian-style, doesn’t get at the problem of over-priced health care. The American version, like the Canadian one, was embedded and furnished by the state centuries ago. The last priority in the medical system in this country or state-side is the patient. Don’t get sick in Canada unless you can afford to cross the border south and pay for real medical care. Don’t get sick in America unless you’re rich.
During the first year of Covid, after two AstraZeneca vaccines, I developed Pityriasis rosea, a radiant, long-lasting, young person’s body-rash that would last two whole years: often mild to severe in expression. My ‘former’ wokish doctor, after having me wait three hours to tell me, “There’s nothing you can do”, (thank goodness for the internet), laughed in my face at the suggestion that skin rashes and the Covid vaccines were connected. Turns out that licensed medicine and the medical community suck at feedback even worse than government bureaucracy. At all levels, they encouraged blind authoritarianism during the ‘pandemic’, while calling it science. Tens of thousands of medical scientists who questioned the mandates were de-platformed. The outright fudging the dangers and figures, while bullying and stifling debate in Canada, was shocking . . . chilling even. Us and them sprang out of the movement, (us, the knower, them, the crazy anti-vaxxer), like adolescent males on a two-week sport’s camp out. There should be a class-action lawsuit because of this, and perhaps in the future, the state will think twice about mandating such a thing. And a note to Bill Gates and other Liberals who rah-rah-ed this universal mandating: if you had read the philosophers of reason and understood the huge dangers of unintended consequences of state law, you would have been more cautious about sacrificing individual liberty on such a large scale and rushing to emergency measures like mandatory vaccines or the War on Terror’s, ‘temporary’, Patriotic Act that now threatens to engulf us all in wokish totalitarianism.
We are a Warren & Marshall Syndrome away from a medical consensus of diet and exercise which will lead to a lifestyle revolution in our society and around the world. Be a part of that wave. (The Warren-Marshall syndrome is defined as the time it took from the discovery, 1982, to the medical consensus, 1998-9). I am certainly not dismissing great medical advances since the enlightenment. Proper food, exercise, sleep and all the rest can’t save you if the stars don’t align in your favor. I wouldn’t be alive today without antibiotics in my youth. Many millions of us would be dead without immunizations and other medical interventions for cancer, broken bones and everything else that harms us. What can hurt us is limitless and no one makes it out alive; however, licensed medicine doesn’t deal well with the chronic stressors I have reviewed. Sedentary lifestyles, process food, sugar, lack of sleep, love, friendship, happiness all can kill us before our time unless you run into or read someone like me who has done the years of listening, reading, and practicing, to give a quick easy breakdown on how to put it all in sharp relief in your very busy life.
My top things to incorporate into a lifestyle change: 1, what you eat should mostly come from the produce department (90%) and acceptable protein sources like range eggs and wild salmon for instance, (or if you are vegan from properly prepared legumes), (and get on the scales daily). 2, Exercise as much as you can but at least one hour per day. I exercise with kettle balls and weights every morning. 3, Fast for a whole day once a week; or a two day period once every two weeks. We evolved to go hungry, and because of the comfort gene which encourages us to overeat now that we are spoilt by choice with food, we must push back hard. I work 24 hours a week in a huge modern grocery store and I am never tempted to eat the junk or processed food there, in fact, I use these four six-hour shifts as my fast period, from around three p.m., in the afternoon until breakfast the next day, somewhere around 10 a.m., so 18 to 19 hours, four days a week, and in those shifts I work as physically hard as I can. My only indulgence is cold sparkling water. The six hour workout is better than a gym and they pay me for it. 4, Sleep in a exceedingly dark, quiet room for eight to ten hours every day. 5, Gut health is essential to your long term health (i.e., multiple BMs daily). 6, Manage stress without the use of drugs or alcohol, i.e., by community involvement with sports, games, neighbourhood events, etc. 7, Find friendships, romance, ambition and meaning for your wonderful, adventurous modern life, (even if it means finding God). 8, Don’t diet! Only a lifestyle change will get you to a better place; diets mostly don't work and will depress you when you don’t succeed. For this kind of personal lifestyle revolution to take place, you have to have a lot of clear bright lines or rigid sharp rules in your life about your action and behaviour: eating, exercising, virtue, romance and all other things good. Follow these stringent, bright shining barriers and be healthy, physically fit, morally good, loving and fulfilled using your increased willpower . . . As an added bonus, in the course of time, these vivid paths and strict regulations that are at first imposed with steely self determination, evolve into an automated system of how to respond to day to day temptations and challenges with hardly any sacrifice or self-control at all—indeed without even thinking—they become your new habits. You won’t need to make constant resolutions or feel guilty for stumbling about and not meeting the goals you have set for yourself. I should add one more thing, your bird and mammalian pets love you, especially dogs and cats, “As Frans de Waal, who has spent a lifetime studying emotion in animals, points out, this argument [that your pets can’t really love you back], is rooted in assumptions of humans being not just exceptional, but wholly different from the other animals with which we share ancestors.” From, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century. In other words, having pets around is good for you.
Some books on the subject that you should search out: Magic Pill, Metabolical, Outlive, Lifespan, Boundless, Breath, The Food Fix, The Primal Blueprint, The Pegan Diet, The Immune System Recovery Plan, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, The Paleo Diet, Salt Sugar Fat, Warrior Diet, Why We Get Fat, Fat Chance, The Great American Heart Hoax, Omnivore's Dilemma, The Vitamin D Solution, Fast Food Nation, EPI-Paleo RX, The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, Death By Food Pyramid, Wahl's Protocol, Big Fat Surprise.